At Holy Rosary Church, 135 Nichols St. Gardner & Holy Spirit Chapel, 50 Lovewell St. Gardner 978-632-0253
This Week's Announcements
The Rectory office will be closed this week 2/17-2/21while our office staff enjoy well deserved vacations.
The new weekend Mass schedule has begun. Masses will be held on Saturday evening at 4 PM at Holy Rosary, and Sunday Morning at 8:30 AM at Holy Spirit, 10:30 at Holy Rosary and at Noon in Spanish at Holy Spirit,. Confessions will be held from 2:30-3:20 at Holy Rosary. The weekday schedule remains the same with all morning Masses at 9 AM. M, W, & F at Holy Rosary, T & Th at Holy Spirit.
Pope Francis' letter to the Catholic Bishops of the United States regarding immigration may read HERE
Financial Peace University sessions about to begin! Virtual sessions will be held on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. beginning February 16th. Space in this program is limited. To register contact our financial peace university facilitator Frank Medlar at[email protected]. For more information click HERE
The Jubilee Year has begun! Find out more about the Jubilee by clicking HERE and watch for updates on special events to be held in our parish throughout the year.
You have free access to FORMED! Anyone in our community who has asmart TV, computer or Phone can now stream Catholic content including movies, documentaries, bible studies, children's programing in both English and Spanish for free thanks to the generous donations of a some of your fellow parishioners. Click HERE for step by step directions on how you can log in and get started.
Snow Policy Reminder.: When school is cancelled or delayed there will be no morning Mass or Adoration.