"... the definitive aim of catechesis is to put people not only in touch but in communion, in intimacy, with Jesus Christ: only He can lead us to the love of the Father in the Spirit and make us share in the life of the Holy Trinity."
Catechesi Tradendae - St. John Paul II
Imagine for a minute that you and a friend were going on a cross country trip. Knowing that sometimes people who spend a long time in the car together can get cranky, you both decided that you just won't talk to each other so you can stay friends for the rest of your lives. What would happen if you really did it? What if one of you saw the most beautiful scenery and were silent, or if you noticed your friend making a wrong turn and said nothing? What if you never shared your sense of adventure so that you could decide to take a detour to explore something new every now and then? How long do you think that relationship would last after you reached your destination?
Our relationship with God is similar. If our goal is to be in true intimacy with Jesus Christ we need to nurture our relationship with God so it can grow throughout our life time as we travel toward our eternal destination.
There are many different ways to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ so that we may fully answer God's invitation to be His disciples. Each is appropriate to different stages in our lives.
For children and teens of all ages we offer Religious Education Classes.
For those seeking to explore becoming Catholic we offer RCIA for both adults and children.
For adults whose needs are more diverse we offer a wide variety of opportunities in our parish and can point you toward additional resources that are more self-guided.
Wherever you are on your Journey of Faith we hope that you will embrace the opportunity to come to know Jesus Christ more intimately.
Please check out the list to the left which highlights some of our offerings.