Within the Catholic tradition funerals not only celebrate a life well spent, they look forward with hope towards life
with Christ in heaven.
Why a Funeral Mass? A funeral Mass is one of the best last gifts that we can give to our loved ones, especially those who have been devout Catholics. At a Funeral Mass we express our belief in Christ's resurrection and our hope for eternal life. We pray for both the soul of the deceased and the comfort of those who grieve for them.
Planning the Mass: When planning a Catholic funeral families may choose 2 readings from the Scripture to be read at Mass as well as Music. Below are links to the scripture reading chosen by the universal church to reflect our hopes for our deceased loved ones. Please take the time to prayerfully review and choose one Old Testament and one New Testament reading for your loved one's funeral.
Old Testament Readings
New Testament Readings
Please note that ordinarily the priest presiding at the Mass will choose the Gospel reading.