2025 marks a year of jubilee for the Catholic Church throughout the world. Since biblical times jubilees have been celebrated as times to re-establish right relationship with God and each other. It is a time both for reconciliation and celebration. A special chance to encounter God's mercy and celebrate that precious gift.
Pope Francis has chosen a theme of Pilgrims of Hope for this year. When announcing the year he said: "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and farsighted vision. The forthcoming Jubilee can contribute greatly to restoring a climate of hope and trust as a prelude to the renewal and rebirth that we so urgently desire."
During Jubilee years there is an opportunity to receive a plenary indulgence. Details may be found on the various ways one may obtain a plenary indulgency through the link below.
The Worcester Diocese has designated 10 churches as pilgrimage sites including our own, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. At the back of the church we have Pilgrim's Guides which tell about each of the churches and offer a place to note when you have made a pilgrimage to each.
Throughout the year the universal church will be highlighting various groups to pray for and celebrate. We will offer suggestions on this website each month for activities you and your family can do to participate in these mini-celebrations.
January Activities
~ One of the conditions for a plenary indulgence is to pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, Pope Francis. This month his prayer intention is: For the right to an education: Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war that their right to an education which is necessary to build a better world might always be respected.
~ Beginning with the Feast of St. Francis de Sales on January 24th through January 26th special attention will be given to a Jubilee for the World of Communications.
To observe this Jubilee families may wish to discuss all the various ways that we communicate. What are some of the healthy ways we communicate (don't forget to include the ways we communicate physically or listen)? How can our words or actions bring others hope or hurt them? For fun play a game that requires good communication skills like Telephone or Charades.
Adults may wish to reflect on the various ways we communicate both in person and electronically. Do our words and actions communicate Christian Hope or spread fear? What does our social media presence say to the world about what we believe? Let us resolve to make sure that our messages and posts reflect the joy of our faith.